Taking a break in marriage is a difficult decision. When you hear someone say, “We’re on a break,” you may be inclined to think the worst. Ideas about breakups, separations, and divorces are likely to come to mind. While taking a break is a serious step, it does not always signal the end of a partnership.

Time to work through the challenges you are facing is an important precursor to a break. Ask yourself and your partner whether you have explored other avenues. Have you sought outside help, tried to break patterns, and been as honest as possible with one another? If you have not, trying these first can help. If you have and are still feeling stuck, a break may be an option.

A break in marriage is an opportunity to get out of the cycles you have created with your partner and examine them from a distance. It is possible for time and space to be a conduit for you to come back stronger than before. It is also possible to use uncertainty as a catalyst for change and growth. Keep reading to find out more about what breaks mean, when to take one, and tips for making your break as healthy as possible.