My husband and I have been married almost 17 years. We are not in conflict, but realized that we were not as close as we were when we first married. Life, kids, jobs, all of that gets in the way, sometimes…At first we thought we would try to have weekly counseling sessions with Gal and Liron, but the timing was impossible! My husband and I couldn’t even find one hour a week to meet consistently with counselors. It is hard to find that time! But then we heard about the Love Made Simple two day workshop that they hold in Mill Valley. It is pretty intense, and it isn’t cheap up front. HOWEVER it is worth every penny. If we had been doing traditional counseling, it would have taken us months and much much much more money to get to where we got at the end of two days in this seminar. I also need to add that my husband and I were worried that it would be a very touchy feely, woo woo, share your feelings kind of thing, and were kind of dreading all of the prolonged eye gazing, mushy talk that we were pretty sure we would have to share in a group setting. It wasn’t like that at all. All sharing was done one on one with each other. It was very private. The only time we heard other peoples’ stories was when they chose to share them. And those times were very powerful. So if you are worried that it will be some sort of 12 step program meeting…it isn’t. Not at all! If you are on the fence about this class, or want to do couples counseling, but just can’t find the time – I highly recommend it. Both my husband and I found it immensely helpful.