We just finished the class and I can’t even explain how much my husband and I have learned about one another. Going into this experience I had no idea what to expect or what our issue was but I knew we needed help. A little background… my husband and I met in rehab and to say the least we have been thru hell and back and against all odds stuck by each other’s side through the worst of times. We have an amazing connection but are awful at communicating. The material provided along with the many hands on exercises really opened my eyes to where we were losing each other. Learning that how I express and receive love is different than how my husband, which made so much sense. We got down to the real reason why we were arguing and what it was that the other needed. The instructors were amazing and really took the time to guide us. Even though it was a group setting we got individual sessions with the instructors and professional therapists. It was crazy to think that we have been operating in this relationship without the manual! I would highly recommend this workshop for new comers, old timers and everyone in between. Even if you are living your happily ever after there is no way you should wing this thing called love with out learning the language. Thank you so much Gal and Liron we are looking forward to the next workshop in October!!!