
Jan 19, 23|

Being vulnerable and admitting you need help, especially with matters of the heart, is a huge risk. Factor in that you’ll be feeling those emotions in a room full of strangers makes it incredibly intimidating. My partner and I have been going through a very rough time. On the verge [...]


Jan 19, 23|

This was a life-changing workshop. My wife and I knew we need help in communicating and better understanding each other. The intensive all weekend workshop by The Couples Center was *exactly* what we needed to move our relationship forward. My biggest take away was understanding that self-awareness is absolutely critical [...]

Danielle, J.

Jan 19, 23|

We just finished the class and I can’t even explain how much my husband and I have learned about one another. Going into this experience I had no idea what to expect or what our issue was but I knew we needed help. A little background… my husband and I [...]

Lily, V.

Jan 19, 23|

I’ve known my husband for 16 years yet I still discovered so much about him during the couples workshop. I wish we discovered this workshop and the tools Gal and Liron provided to us sooner in our relationship. But I am forever grateful for discovering and participating in one recently. [...]

Natalie C.

Jan 19, 23|

My husband and I have been married almost 17 years. We are not in conflict, but realized that we were not as close as we were when we first married. Life, kids, jobs, all of that gets in the way, sometimes…At first we thought we would try to have weekly [...]

Alicia S.

Jan 19, 23|

Take this course! My fiancé and I attended the Love Made Simple workshop this past weekend and feel more in love, happier, and closer than we ever have before. Because of COVID, our weekend retreat was moved online. To be honest, we were skeptical a “Zoom” retreat would be as [...]

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