Take this course! My fiancé and I attended the Love Made Simple workshop this past weekend and feel more in love, happier, and closer than we ever have before. Because of COVID, our weekend retreat was moved online. To be honest, we were skeptical a “Zoom” retreat would be as energetic, safe, and helpful. But, as soon as the workshop started, all our fears were calmed. Gal and Liron’s love and energy burst off the screen and the online setting felt intimate and comfortable. Gal and Liron are loving and sensitive people; all participants were greeted with such warmth and kindness. They created an environment for couples to share, be vulnerable, and feel free of judgement. For us a huge highlight was being able to “break out” of the large group and speak 1 on 1 with a therapist. Each therapist we worked with was zoned in; they truly wanted to help and, most of all, they gave my fiancé and me the encouragement and tools to “really” say how we were feeling in a safe way. On Sunday night, after the workshop had ended, my fiancé and I were laying together. He quietly said to me “I really liked this weekend.” I was touched because he is a stoic man who so rarely accesses his feelings. I said “You did? Why?” And he said “I feel like I know “how” I can be better to you now. I have tools and now I don’t feel completely lost on how I can be there for you.” It absolutely warmed my heart and I have The Couples Center to thank. If you want a tune up, are struggling, are about to get married, or have been married for many years TAKE THIS COURSE. I couldn’t recommend it more highly.guys know what they’re doing and speak from experience.