This workshop should be mandatory for any couple regardless of their perceived state of happiness. I cannot think of a circumstance where this wouldn’t be incredibly useful for any couple interested in enriching their relationship and themselves.
For me, it was frankly transformative. The night before I was full of anxiety and nearly canceled. My partner and I argued about my state of mind. Two days later I felt like an entirely different human being. The toxins had been sucked from our relationship and we had a completely clean slate to build from again. Better still, we were both equipped, finally, with practical tools and knowledge to prevent our relationship ever getting in such a state again. I cannot over-emphasize the sheer magnitude of the transformation. My brain feels completely re-wired and I am full of optimism and joy again (and not just in the context of my relationship). It helped completely re-set my outlook on life after decades of damage caused by trauma. Trust me, these guys know what they’re doing and speak from experience.