Nicolette Sweeney, a Brooklyn native, is as passionate as she is creative. Though she is now a successful and sought-after couples therapist, the once-upon-a-time hip-hop dance teacher got her start in the South Bronx as a student mentor. Her purpose? [She] “wanted to give kids a reason to show up.”

On the outside, her bright personality shines through her big smile and curly hair. She will quickly grab your attention with her energy which is witty and funny. Frankly, she has a heart so welcoming that it’s almost impossible not to smile around her.

She uses these strengths to nurture the relationships of her couples, and she describes couples therapy as a success “whether or not things work out, [because] the personal reflection you are forced to do while in a relationship – and in couples therapy – is profound with a high likelihood for rapid growth.”

Her goal for you as your individual and couples therapist? She wants you to make sure you are “feeling and expressing moment-to-moment curiosity, acceptance, and validation… that [you] are really seeing how important the experience is for you and your partner.”

Ultimately, Nicolette wants her patients to learn through her experiences, so she teaches what she knows – and she continues to fuel her passion for couples therapy with curiosity, education and growth through life’s daily lessons.

While interviewing Nicolette, the energy immediately goes from business to belly laughs, nostalgic feelings, and an overall sense of deep connection. Her energy quickly sets the tone – making you want to be more positive, more engaging and more eager to learn.